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Office: +60358856648 | Advisory: +601126664168
The restaurant business is never too easy to run but in Malaysia, where eating out is a part of the national culture, is heaven for restaurant business investment for any national & international businessmen.
But you might think covid-19 changed the whole scenario in Malaysia, it's true last March 2020 Malaysia went into first partial lockdown with other countries in the world, which made restaurant business a little bit difficult – but aid from the government, rental relief from landlords made it a little bit easier, the actual success player was food ordering apps. They changed the whole industry & still the market is surviving. Today we will explore the new opportunity that showed up in the restaurant business industry after covid-19 lockdowns. We will check on both digital app-based & dine in based restaurants opportunities. Food delivery based digital restaurants & coffeeshops Where many restaurants owners closed down, others saw opportunities into the crisis, new entrepreneurs entering the F&B market made success with their tech understanding & guides from expert business advisors like us, who helped to reshape their strategy & use the market gap created over the last few months.
The statistics say right now in Malaysia;
A budget of US$25000 or approximately RM 100,000 is enough to start an online catering/food delivery business. We are providing a full set of company registration, business setup, investment planning, online marketing, technological arrangement, business licenses, market research, business management & accounting services for you. Also, we are offering business strategies based risk management services such as; Hygienic practices Malaysia is mostly vaccinated right now & government SOP's are so strong. If you maintain a clean kitchen following all vaccination & health SOP's, you can gain more consumer trust. We are offering a full company, licenses, documents, management & risk factors planning services in Malaysia Local "Near Me" Searches Nowadays google & other search engine's "Near Me" option is very effective, mostly users & drivers are using this option. A good optimization can bring you more business. Where we can help you to make a good "Near Me" visibilities. Search Engine Optimization A good SEO can bring you more digital marketing benefits & visibilities where we have certified SEO experts to boost your business much better. Influencer Marketing Nowadays people are more into real-life influencers, a popular face can add more value to your business which we can arrange & manage for you in any city or area base market in Malaysia. Branding Good branding is the backbone of marketing for any business, as experienced marketing experts in Malaysia, we can help you to build a strong & trustworthy brand value. In the restaurant business, a video branding of your food & food reviews is the best option, we have a specialized skill set in this sector. Food Delivery System Delivery is the life source of the online food business industry, if you are not using any third-party app or delivery system, it's a must for you to maintain a good food delivery system. Which can help you to gain more profit & faster delivery can bring more value with trust. You can hire your rides or riders companies to work for you, where our advisors can help you to choose the better option as per your investment, market & needs. Dine -in based restaurants & coffeeshops Now if we go for the dining in restaurant business model, until even last week it was only a take-out system. Even many restaurants lost hope & closed down, which created a huge market opportunity. After mass vaccination & lockdown pause, restaurants can operate again with take-outs & small-scale dine-in restaurants. After the covid-19 pandemic, the environment in the restaurants has changed to masked waiters and waitresses, tables are six feet apart with optional sneeze guards at the counters. Eventually, things are becoming normal, and restaurants have started reopening, restaurants need to focus on keeping things contactless, germ-free, certified & authority checked. As per report, more than 2000 restaurants & coffee shops have closed down. It's a good time to fill in the blank market & use the investment profitably, as restaurants will always prevail until we are alive to eat. A budget of US$25000 to US$40,000 or RM 100,00 to RM 160,000 is enough to start a restaurant business in Malaysia at this moment.
To start a business or buy a business in Malaysia you will need business licenses, specially if you are a foreigner, it's a must to have a Pvt. Ltd. or SDN BHD company. We are processing company registration, bank account, business licenses, accounts & taxes for you as experienced accountants, tax advisors, SST advisors & business investment advisors.
Click to know about company registration in Malaysia Our advisory lines +60108242527 (whatsapp available) | +601121189303 (whatsapp available) Why Lim & Ani Associates Sdn Bhd We are providing one of the best business setup & company registration services in Malaysia, with experienced & licensed company secretaries, professional accountants, auditors, tax & SST experts, business advisors - a one-stop business solution in Malaysia. As one of the best leading corporate advisors, we are offering services below as per business act 2016 & Malaysian Government policy;
Call, Email or text us & take an appointment from the website to visit our office in Malaysia. LIM & ANI ASSOCIATES SDN BHD Call: +60108242527 (whatsap & viber) Call: +601121189303 Call: +603-84081680 (office landline) Email: [email protected]
1 Comment
3/5/2023 11:15:41 pm
Nice blog! Thanks for sharing this blog with us. I like the article and it is very helpful for me. Thanks for sharing.
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